Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Our Friend Called Habit

Hi there, Aisya here ^^
just wanna contribute a lil' something to this blog... hehehe
so here it goes...

In our daily life we're never far from a friend called Habit. Habit follows us everywhere we go, day & night through rain & shine, when we're home or... well you get the picture =P
wanna know who Habit is? Are you all curious?
here's a small description of Habit....

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do you might just as well turn over to me, & I will be able to do them quickly, correctly.
I am easily managed - you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done, & after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of great people; & alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are failures, I have made them failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a human being.
You may run me for a profit or turn me for ruin - it makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me & I will place the world at your feet.
Be easy with me... & I will destroy you... muahahaha.. >:)

There you have it, thanks for reading..
*peace out* ^^V

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Little Kid and Sleeping Police

Hello,it`s me again,@bebekbakarmadu... ^_^v
Right now I`ll be the admin (yeah,again) for the this blog post since I see nobody post another blog entry in this blog... -___-
Oh yeah,and I`ll post this in ENGLISH since I promise to post next post in this language,but don`t worry,It`s simple and I hope you`ll enjoy it... :)

This entry will be a bit motivational(and in ENGLISH of course!)hehehehe,
the title of this entry maybe little bit weird since I can`t found english words for "polisi tidur",
so I`ll just literally translate it into sleeping police,okay here I go... :P

*I wrote this based on my actual experience by the way*

One day,I do my usual routine,take my motorcycle and goes to college,it`s boring activity,honestly
But instead of wasting time,I used to to think many things that remain unnoticed along the way from my home to the college

That morning, I passed a familiar street near my home,there was a kid there(about 4 or 5 yrs old) who learn to ride a bicycle, and when he passed the sleeping police in front of him....he fell

He immediately tried to stand again as quickly as possible without show signs of pain or whine despite the fact that his leg is a bit injured, then immediately justify the position of his little bicycle

"Wow!", I spoke to myself, and then I put my motorcycle aside the road, pretent to wait for people, just to be able to watched this kid

He pushed his bike past the sleeping police, then he turned to the opposite direction and try again to pass the sleeping police again. This time he succeed to get throught it, but slightly less stable and he almost fall off from the bicycle

After that, I proceed to the college while thinking. The first word that crossed my mind was, "That young kid were greater than we,the Big People!" I used the word "big people", as I`ll explain the meaning later

Most of BIG PEOPLE (or adult) will try to avoid large obstacles that exist in their way,literally in life. Just as I did several days before. I passed a street that has some slope and bump. It was less fun, and i got sore hand because I have to control the gas and brake together every second

Each time I go through that road,I always think,"How to pass this road and arrived at my destination, but I don`t have to feel those uneasy feeling?" My brain immediately replied, "Please wait for a miracle!"

But no such miracle will ever come

Forget the fantasy and your absurd hope. The best and quickest way to deal with problem is go ahead and passed the obstacles that lie ahead, just like that kid with his bicycle who dared to challenge the sleeping police that previously able to make him fall
Most of big or old people does not want to admit that their failure, are happening from theirselves, they dont want to admit it. They always look for scapegoat to blame. For example, when they fell like that kid before, they commonly will complain, "Why do these sleeping police should be there?","Why do I have to pass on this road so I fall like this?"

People like that will have difficulty to look inside theirselves. They tend to look outward and blame everything,ignoring the fact that the mistake coming from themself.

So what about you, are you that cycling kid who brave enough to face that sleeping police challenge? Or do you prefer to be a complainer? : )


Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Idioms and Catch phrases

Hi rangers!
Selamat siang,good afternoon,sugeng rawuh(lho?)

Kali ini di official blog(?) of EECC ini saya sebagai admin,@bebekbakarmadu,iya anggap aja ini promosi akun twitter yang paling keren,jangan lupa difollow ya tar lalu omong-omong soal twitter...*dilempar batu*...eh iya,maaf pembaca,jadi susah fokus kalo udah ngomongin soal twittter

Sooooo,pada postingan ketiga ini akan mencoba memberi a bit materi bout english,karena EECC ini (katanya) adalah klub Inggris,tenang aja,nggak berat kok,tapi susah sekali,*eh*...so this time saya akan membahas mengenai IDIOMS dan CATCH PHRARES

pertama tamaaa,ada yang tau apa itu IDIOMS?
*krik krik krik*
yaak,anda benar,idioms adalah salah satu bentuk ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris! *tanya sendiri dijawab sendiri,kasian* -__-
Ya,ungkapan kawan-kawan,jadi arti sebenarnya tidak dapat diartikan secara langsung dengan mengartikan ungkapan itu sendiri dan lebih bersifat metaforis

Penggunaan idioms ini sangat populer di luar negeri,dan populer digunakan karena bahasanya yang santai,dan tidak formal,eits,kalau ada yg ngomong kalau idioms itu sama dengan slang,itu SALAH!
Idioms adalah ungkapan yang dimengerti oleh banyak orang,kalo slang biasanya yang ngerti hanya beberapa kelompok tertentu dan bersifat ekslusif

Next saya akan kasih contoh beberapa idioms yg populer dan sering kalian dengar :
  • Break a leg! --> artinya menyemangati orang lain,biasanya digunakan saat kompetisi,dan artinya bukan disuruh matahin kaki,btw..Example : Good luck for your tennis game,break a leg!
  • Raining cats and dogs --> artinya hujan yang sangat deras..Example : It raining cats and dogs out there,please bring this umbrella when you`re going out.
  • Chicken out --> artinya kabur/melarikan diri..Example : Where is he?Is he chicken out?What a shame
  • Spill the bean --> artinya membuka rahasia..Example : The prisoner finally spill the bean about his friend hideout after he tortured by the polices
  • Bet the wrong horse --> artinya salah memperkirakan masa depan..Example : He is betting on the wrong horse if he keeps supporting the other city in their bid for the games.
  • Copycat --> artinya si tukang tiru/tukang nyontek..Example : He is a copycat student according to the other students in the class.
  •  Curiosity kills the cat --> artinya rasa ingin tahu yang berlebihan dapat membawa masalah.. Example : You shouldn’t worry about what he is doing. Remember,curiosity killed the cat.
OK,untuk contoh kayaknya cukup segini dulu deh,kalau lanjutin mungkin bisa dapet puluhan folio,*yawn*

Okey,next yang perlu dibahas adalah mengenai CATCH PHRASES
Catch phrases atau slogan,adalah ungkapan yang diucapkan terus menerus dan akhirnya memiliki arti yang disebabkan oleh pengulangan tersebut
Susah dicerna ya?
Analoginya adalaaaaah begini,kalian punya karakter film favorit kan?Biasanya karakter utama punya kata-kata tertentu yang sering diucapkan berulang-ulang dan akhirnya menjadi trademark atau ciri khas karakter tersebut

Catch phrases ini menyebar dengan sangat populer melalui media massa,tivi,film,lagu dan bahkan situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook dan twitter

Let`s go to the example!
  • Salah satu catch phrases paling populer adalah "Yes,We Can!" yang digunakan presiden Obama saat berkampanye dan terbukti ampuh membantunya memenangkan kursi presiden Amerika Serikat
  • Catch phrases lain yang sering terdengar adalah "Deal,or no deal?" di kuis Deal or No Deal
  • Bagi penggemar manga comic,pasti udah nggak asing dengan catch phrases tokoh utamanya "I will be the next hokage"
  • Di film 300 (film perang sparta vs persia) king Leonidas kerap berteriak "This is Sparta",yep,that`s his catch phrases
  • and many more  :p
Tambahan sedikit omongan *sok* ilmiah nih :

Menurut Richard Harris, profesor psikologi di Kansas State University , yang mempelajari mengapa orang menggunakan idiom dan catch phrases dalam percakapan sehari-hari adalah untuk menceritakan lelucon dan cara untuk membentuk solidaritas dengan orang lain 

Sooo,dont be afraid using idioms and catch phrases when you speak english,it is fun!Try it!
Sekian untuk post ini,see ya next time! *lari*

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Superstitious Around The World

Do you believe in myth? How about superstitious beliefs? Well yeah, there are so many superstitious beliefs around the world...Most of these superstitious beliefs are backed by some illogical knowledge, and spread by gullible people... Let's see how superstitious are you  ^^

  • When a black cat crosses your path, it will bring you bad luck
  • Walking beneath a ladder is a bad omen
  • When a black cat walks toward you, it will bring good luck to you
  • Friday the 13th is the unlucky day
  • When you break a mirror, you will have bad luck for seven years
  • If you can blow out all the candles on your birthday cake in the first breath, you will get whatever you wish for
  • Finding a four leaf clover is a sign of good luck coming your way
  • A bird entering the house is a sign of the death of some family member

These were just a few among the several superstitious beliefs around the world... Java, as one of Indonesia's crowded land, has many ancient superstitious. It depends on you whether you believe them or not. It's just a little intermezo from us to you... Hope you have lucky days... Be careful! A black cat is watching you now ^^


yeeeeeee.....akhirnya EECC menelurkan blog..!! *jingkrak-jingkrak*
Eh, berhubung ini postingan pertama jadi maaf ya pake Indonesia dulu hweheehehehehehe :p

Siapa yang nggak tahu EECC angkat tangan !! *siap-siap sepatu buat nimpuk yang nggak tahu*
Ya Ampun, hari gene gatau EECC?? Hhahahaha...EECC adalah *JRENGJRENGJRENG* Economic English Conversation Club yang berdomisili di Fakultas Ekonomi Univeristas Diponegoro ^^

Jadi secara singkatnya EECC itu sebuah UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) yang berkecimpung dan menggeluti *halah* di dunia ke-english-an gitu deh hahaha ^^

EECC punya beberapa proker..apa? Bukan Leker lho! Itu mah enak banget *curhat*
Proker adalah program kerja yang biasanya rutin tiap tahunnya hohohoho...Dan EECC bakal ngadain suatu proker baru (insyaallah) april nanti yaitu EECC Discussion.
Jadi kita bakal ngundang english club dari UNDIP sendiri dan universitas lain di kota Semarang. Nggak semua sih cukup beberapa aja. Tujuan kita ya untuk menjalin silaturahmi dan juga pastinya menjalin kerjasama dong...Masa menjalin benang merah, ntar jadinya baju dong -_-

Okay, karena sudah banyak banget yang ketulis (kebohongan publik) jadi see ya di posting berikutnya hehehehe ^^